Last News - 25.12.11

Syria agrees to let observers in - Syrian opposition plea for intervention

On Monday, Syria signed an agreement to let observers in ; the opposition doubts the observers will be allowed to see everything and thinks the regime is going to find a way to hide what they want to hide. There has been a bomb attack in Damascus (see article here), which is said to be fake, to accuse the Islamists ; the corpses found there are said to be old ones, already killed for a while. The same day Syria signed the agreement, at least 120 have been slaughtered in Idleb in Kafr Awaid.

Syria agrees to Arab Monitoring, but Opposition doubtful : here

Monitors meet Syria top diplomat : here

Syria opposition urges UN action : here

Arab League Team arrives in Syria as violence goes on : here

Martyrs killed in Idleb during the massacre in Kafr Awaid (vidéo) : here

Army deserters gunned down

Dozens of army defectors have been publicly gunned down, as a warning for the others.
More here


Syrians urge support for army defectors : here

Syria signs Arab League peace deal - comments of some activists : here


Assad's gangs brutally torturing a guy : here
"Wenu" means "Where is he ?" ; they're torturing a guy with no other reason than finding out where another is.

Child torn into pieces (GRAPHIC) : here

Baby attacked (GRAPHIC) : here

Idleb - Child fatally injured : here

Idleb - tanks : here

Homs - Musical demonstration : here


Syrian activists recount horrors of detention, torture at hands of security forces : here

Syria's prisoners - What type of people are in Syria's prisons right now : here

Syrian clashes kill 6'200 adults : here
And that only counts the ones that have been recognised as killed, not disappeared or arrested...

Syria releases Iranian prisoners to give room for political detainees : here


La Syrie réprime ses déserteurs avant l'envoi d'observateurs arabes : ici


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