Last News - 02.12.11

Today was Friday of "Syrians demand buffer zone".

Human rights abuse

They forget to say that people were tortured and killed at hospitals too.

UN accuses Regime of Human Rights Abuses (video) : here

Syrian forces tortured, killed at least 256 children : here
"...including a 2-year-old girl reportedly shot to death so she wouldn't grow up to be a demonstrator."
Including some babies too.

UN puts death toll at 4000 as pressures rise : here
The death toll only includes people who've been announced dead by at least 3 persons ; 3 months ago, an estimate announced probably at least 5'200 people had been killed. And this was 3 months ago. So today there's probably been about 8'000 deaths. At least 200 persons die each week.


The impact of economic sanctions in Syria : here
"Despite the fact that some are asking for foreigh intervention, but we as Arab countries and via our procedures we're trying to prevent any foreign intervention in Syria, and if the Arab countries do not deal in a serious way with this problem, then a foreign intervention, and I am sorry to say, will be the answer" he said.

But will it help ? here
"Economically the sanctions may not hurt that much, but the symbolism is more important"
What would help would be to recognize the Syrian National Council and to create a no-fly zone, to let observers and help in, ...

Turkey slaps sanctions on Syria : here

Free Syrian Army

After months of unrest and thousands of soldier defections, the Free Syrian Army was created to defend syrian people. But hopefully, even though they use arms, they recognize the Syrian National Council (that at first was for a peaceful revolution) as the political representative and the SNC recognizes them too, thanks to their commun purpose.

Hama - Free Syrian Army opens fire on a bus filled with Shabbihas (video) : here

Syrian rebel ambush said to kill 3 soldiers : here

Ranks of Free Syrian Army gaining strengh : here

TO READ - Syrian opposition to co-ordinate with Free Syrian Army : here
"Analysts say the FSA, formed by army deserters, had posed a dilemna to the bloc, which urges non-violent tactics."


Homs - Young child sings for martyrs and freedom : here

Douma - Alawis, Christians, Kurds, Sharkas, Muslims, all under one tent against Assad : here


Gulf states advise nationals to leave Syria : here
What does it say about what's happening there...

US and EU call on Syria to allow entry of observers : here
"It is past time for the Security Council to take much more decisive action with respect to Syria."
And they've got to realise that the veto is completely undemocratic.


L'Armée Syrienne Libre reconnaît l'autorité du Conseil National Syrien : ici

Oui, il y a des "groupes terroristes" en Syrie, mais pas ceux auxquels on pense : ici

Un rapport commandé par l'ONU accuse la Syrie de "crimes contre l'humanité" : ici

A VOIR - Au coeur de la révolution syrienne (vidéo) : ici


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