Last News - 05.12.11

Arab League

After so many delays (to stop the violence most of the time), the Arab League gave one more chance to the Assad regime to let observers in. When will we stop delaying and start acting ? Be as brave as the syrian protestors everywhere in Syria !

Arab League gives Syria a Sunday ultimatum and freezes assets of 19 syrian officials : here

Syria - Arab League issues new Sunday deadline : here

Syria ignores Arab League deadline : here

Syria 'positive' on Arab League monitors plan : here
But under conditions...


Message to Canada from inside Syria by actress Fadwa Soliman : here

They drink tea before killing, the men of the security forces... quiet... here

More soldier defection : here

Assad forces kill cows : here
And then they say they only kill terrorists...!

Little girl injured by a nail bomb : here


Blood can run, but syrian people won't back down : here

TO READ - Interview of Burhan Ghalioun, president of the Syrian National Council : here


Syrie - le marché lucratif de la surveillance des cyber-dissidents : ici

Le frémissement de la capitale ranime l'espoir en Syrie : ici

Syrian authorities arrest syrian blogger : here
Syria, where expressing oneself is a crime...


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