‎"People of the world! Humanity is raped in Homs! SOS! Please help! Streets are full of injured people and those who made it to hospitals are in need for blood, first aids, doctors but none of this is available!! Doctors can't reach hospitals!! snipers are everywhere! Please help! Can anyone hear me or the whole world has turned deaf?!"

And this concerns Idleb, Daraa, Hama, Deir Azzor and some other cities too...

It's more than time now ! It's been a while, all the countries should have recalled their ambassador or sent them to Homs so that they can see what is happening ! They should have recognized the Syrian National Council and tried to help it ! The USA have recognized the SNC, we should all write to our gouvernment and ask them to send the syrian ambassadors back in Syria, to recognize the SNC and to do everything possible to send medical aid and journalists there ! Why does the Arab League keep on delaying ?! Syrians need help, and they need it right now !

You can denounce the slaughter here (please do)


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Last News - 28.08.12
