Last News - 12.12.11


After Alawites were supposedly asked to leave the city of Homs, people were afraid a slaughter could happen there, capital of the syrian revolution where the death toll is already the highest of Syria. So far the situation is really bad there, keep watching these next days. During the protests on Friday there was so many explosions that, according to demonstrators, the earth started shaking.

TO READ - Bloodbath could be imminent in Homs : here

Bodies, gunfire as Homs becomes a war zone : here

Fear of "massacre" in Syria (video) : here

10-year-old syrian boy slain in home by a sniper (video) : here

Support in Aleppo - "We are a part of Homs, Bring your tanks here !" : here

The Arab League

The Arab League was to meet last Saturday, but they decided to wait one more week, giving the syrian regime some more time to kill. Thank you, Arab League. You've done that so often.

Sunday of "Dignity Strike"

On Sunday, people started a general strike all over Syria, which is so far going on.

Syrians "strike for dignity" (video) : here

Demonstration in Idleb (video) : here

Homs - Strike for Dignity (video) : here

Daraa - Assad gangs breaking down shops to stop the strike (video) : here


TO SEE AND SEE AGAIN - Revolutionary Dabke (beautiful !) : here

Hama - tanks shelling heavily : here

Homs - girl singing "I am wounded" : here

Idleb - children and parents demonstration : here


Les Syriens appelés à tester lundi la volonté de réforme de Bachar Al Assad : ici

Bilan de l'ONU après neuf mois de soulèvement en Syrie : ici


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