Last News - 17.10.11

Bahrain and Egypt support Syria. Christians and Muslims together.

News : At least 37 people died on Monday 17th October. More here.

The Arab League's decision

The Arab League did not suspend Syria, instead the arab countries asked for a dialogue between the government and the opposition, giving them a two-week ultimatum. Thank you for giving more time to Assad to kill his people, we all hope he's grateful.. Was is so hard to suspend Syria and, by doing so, unlegitimize the current government ?! Was it too hard for the international community to offer us a no-fly zone and some more support, for example by sending back the ambassadors ?! The ones who don't do anything connive with the Assad regime.
More here and here.

Reactions :

"No Dialogue with the child-killer" : here

"Arab league, shame on you, syrian people are being killed" : here

Ghiath Matar

Ghiath Matar has been killed some weeks ago, he was one of the most pacifist activists in all Syria ; he encouraged people to give water bottles and flowers to the security forces and the soldiers who attacked them. R.I.P. and thanks to Syrians in Canada.


Story of the syrian revolution : here

Syrian civilian tortured and forced to admit what he was accused to have done : here

"Not Sunni, not alewite - freedom is what we all want" : here

"Muslims and Christians are one" : here

"Kurds and Arabs, we will bring you down Assad" : here

16.10.11 - complete strike in Daraa : here

Inside schools : here

Syrians face tanks : here


Burhan Ghalioun : here

Arms smuggling into Syria flourishes : here

The mysterious disappearance of Hussein Harmoush (example of what happened to a lot of families) : here

SNC - "All of us are now united for the fall of the Assad regime" : here


Paris - Opposant syrien menacé d'expulsion : ici

Que sait-on de l'armée syrienne : ici

Merci à Ignace Leverrier pour son travail d'une grande qualité en faveur de la révolution syrienne.

Pictures of Syria : here


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