Last News - 03.10.11

News : The 3rd October, grand mufti's son and a history professor were killed in the city of Aleppo. More about it here and here about things currently happening.

Syrian protestors attacked in foreign countries

As we have already noted, syrian protestors are not safe, even out of Syria. Last news about this subject : 
- The U.S. ambassador Robert Ford has received threats too from Pro-Assad people, as you can see here
- In Britain, the embassy's people are harassing syrian protestors and targeting their families, as you can see here.
Why aren't these people who behave like shabbiha sent back to Syria ??!


Cairo International Stadium - Egyptians support syrian revolution : here


TO READ Syrian National Council shows unity - no intervention like in Libya : here

Syria is heading for an economical disaster : here


Opposants syrien pourchassés jusqu'à Paris (enfin trouvé un article en ligne !) : ici

Retour sur l'histoire de la Syrie et du règne des Assad - le crépuscule des Assad (vidéo visible une semaine uniquement) : ici

Special link : video of a demonstration in Beirut that took place the 8th August after Lebanon refrained from taking a stand concerning a declaration of condemnation of the syrian regime that UNO's Security Council was voting.


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