Last News - 19.10.11

And remember, whatever death toll articles announce, it has overwhelmed 5200 martyrs.

Doctors, Hospitals, Clinics, ...

A few weeks ago, a Red Croissant ambulance was attacked while rescuing a demonstrator ; one of the volunteers died, two others and the protestor were severly wounded. But this wasn't a single case, the security forces have killed, arrested and kidnapped doctors and people who tried to help and heal demonstrators since the beginning of the uprising. When a protestor gets wounded, he doesn't go to the hospital unless it's really serious because everyone knows the security forces often go and shoot patients, assuming most of them are protestors.

Report : here


"Beware, dictatorship can return ; on 23rd October, VOTE" : here

Report from inside Homs : here

The reforms and dialogue the Arab League is calling for : here

Muslim protesters chanting for a christian woman whose son was killed by the security forces : here

"I am a human being, not an animal... I am a human being, not an animal !" : here

Syria remains in Arab League : here

Protests in Homs : here


Mrs Assad's lack of reaction when told about the slaughter : here

The "Mohamad Soueid" case : here

Inside Homs : here

Jail in Syria - prisoner screaming "let me die" : here

ACTION ALERT : Dana Gas, which is based out of the Shariqa in the UAE is now negotiating with the syrian regime the bypass of the sanctions by agreeing to produce and sell Syria's gas/oil through Dana Gas. We must e-mail them and tell them this is unacceptable : (please do it).


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