Last News - 26.10.11

News : Apparently some doctors and nurses hit the patients... That doesn't encourage wounded people to go to the hospital and get healed and it's a shame for the whole body of doctors all around the world. (Articles in french and english below)


General strike in Hama 26.10.11 - 12th day : here

Dead body of Katreen Khabbour, one-year-old girl : here

Dead body of a cow - if this is what Assad called the "armed gangs"... : here

Burned body of Waleed bin Abelhameed Al Ribahi : here

TO SEE - Fear and torture in Syria's hospitals : here


Journalist witnesses syrian authorities torturing activists : here

TO READ - Syria "using hospitals for torture" : here


La terreur dans les hôpitaux syriens : ici et ici

Dans l'enfer de Homs : ici

L'opposition syrienne est unifiée et pacifiste : ici


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