Last News - 13.10.11
SNC - Syrian National Council
The SNC was formed in Istambul at the end of August, most of the opposition activists are part of it and the syrian people supported it by naming their last Friday of demonstration : Friday "SNC represents me". The first country to recognize it as the legitimate representative of syrian people was Libya, followed by Egypt. The other countries simply said they were waiting for it to develop.
Egypt's support : here
More about Burhan Ghalioun, the SNC "de facto leader" : here
Pro-Assad demonstration
Wednesday 12th October, some people were forced to go to a pro-Assad "spontaneous" demonstration, some because of their work, some others because of their family. A few months ago, another had taken place where a lot of people went ; this time, Assad was not able to bring together more than 80'000 people, and most of them went away as soon as they could. The guy chanting slogans even said "Assad is gonna fall" instead of "Assad is not gonna fall" once, by mistake or not.
People going out of the bus (really spontaneus, the bus, of course all these people woke up in the morning and told themselves they would demonstrate for their president, already knowing where and at what time - apparently there even was security forces giving pictures of Assad) : here
Preparation to sing from the garbage : here
Prisoner being tortured by the army in a school turned into a prison : here
Economical effect of the sanctions : here
Mohamad Soueid accused of spying for the syrian intelligence agencies : here
"We need a no-fly zone because the regime is using its planes and helicopters to destroy us" : here
Refugee camps in Turkey : here
Zaitouna's advice concerning the uprising (Zeitouna is a syrian woman who won the Nobel price last week, shared with two others women) : here
Syria rejects call to join war tribunal : here
Les Démocrates Syriens, association suisse, a envoyé une demande de renvoi du Consul syrien à la présidente, accompagnée d'une pétition co-signée par quelque 550 personnes : ici
Qu'attend l'Europe : ici
Syrie : c'est le régime qui divise les ethnies et non pas le peuple : ici
L'Armée Syrienne Libre : ici
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