[ View the story "News of Mid August [09-10]" on Storify ] News of Mid August [09-10] #FreeSyria Storified by yaat · Wed, Aug 29 2012 02:27:43 Give the Peace Nobel Price to the Syrian people Donnez le Prix Nobel de la Paix au peuple syrien Aleppo - Alep The battle of Aleppo had already begun at this time, the main point of it being the Salahedin neighbourdhood, that the regime forces announced they were controling, but that was in fact controlled by the Free Syrian Army. Here's a picture taken on August 8th of one building in Aleppo. La bataille d'Alep avait déjà commencé à ce moment-là, le point principal de celle-ci étant le quartier de Salahedin, que les forces du régime annonçait contrôler, mais qui était en fait contrôlé par l'Armée Syrienne Libre.Voici une photo d'un bâtiment à Alep prise le 8 août. #Aleppo on August 8th 2012 #FreeSyria http://pic.twitter.com/Vwfo7i23yaat While everyone focusses on Aleppo, slaughter goes on in Homs... Homs, deux enfant
video Sur cette vidéo on voit les forces de l'ordre défiler à Daraa, on entend que les manifestants crient "Silmiyi", ce qui signifie "pacifiste", mais ils se font malgré cela tirer dessus. Celui qui tient la caméra crie "Tirez-moi dessus, il faut que le monde voie ce qu'il se passe ici à Daraa, tirez-moi dessus !" On this video, we see the security forces marching through Daraa, we can hear the demonstrators shouting "Silmiyi", that means "peaceful", but the security forces fire despites. The one who's holding the camera shouts "Shoot me, the world must see what's happening here in Daraa, shoot me !" HELP SYRIA This is just a beginning but we must start somewhere, don't we ? here L'ONU et Washington décident de sanctions contre la Syrie : ici
[ View the story "Last News - 28.08.12" on Storify ] Last News - 28.08.12 So, I've been away quite a long time. I will try to talk about everything that happened little by little. So in the following articles, you'll be able to read the last news plus the news about what happened some time ago, in order to have everything in here. Storified by yaat · Tue, Aug 28 2012 02:04:53 Precisions about the terms frequently used - Précisions sur les termes fréquemment utilisés Please stop using the word "rebel", they're not rebels, they're people fighting for their freedom, their dignity, their country. They're people fighting for their rights. The word "revolutionnary is much more appropriate. And once again, it is NOT a civil war, but an uprising against a regime that is killing its own people. S'il-vous-plaît, arrêtez d'utiliser le mot "rebelle", ce ne sont pas des rebelles, ce sont des gens qui se battent pour leur liberté, leur d
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