News - 19.09.11

"There are two options, the Syrian said. Either the regime goes or the people go."


Wednesday 7th Septembre, a team of the Red-Croissant went to rescue a wounded man in Al-Warsheh, Homs. On their way back, they got attacked, 31 bullets reached the ambulance, wounding three volunteers out of five and the already wounded man too. Al-Hakam Draq Al-Sibaï, one of the volunteers, died the 16th September. His family had tried to take him to the AUB Hospital in Beirut but the security forces had stopped him 9 hours at the border. See him and the ambulance here. See the medical report here (english at the end of the page).

Commentary : Attacking an ambulanceman is a crime against humanity, attacking a volunteer from the Red-Croissant should be considerated the same way.

Français : le CICR condamne le manque de respect pour les services médicaux ici.

Daraa's children

Remember how everything began ? Fifteen children got arrested and tortured after having written the slogans of the egyptian and turkish revolution on walls. Most of them were freed after days or weeks, but one of them, Ahmad Sami Abazeid, is still in prison right now. He's thirteen years old. [I lost the link of this piece of news but as soon as I get it back I'll publish it]

Homs' schools

Yesterday, Sunday 18th September, the children went back to school in the city of Homs. During the holidays, these same schools were used as jails. Where are all these prisoners ? Besides, half of the 15-18-year-old don't go to school and demonstrate instead. Proof here and here.
Students burning their school uniform here in Deir-Ez-Zor & students protesting here in Daraa.


Al Jazeera's blog about Syria : here

Refugees fleeing in Lebanon : here

"Syria is dying, where is the World" report by Al Jazeera (video) : here

Radwan Ziadeh talking about human rights abuse in Syria, particularly on children (video) : here


Même après sa mort, le martyr Ghiyath Matar ne repose pas en paix. Lors de sa cérémonie de mise en terre, les forces de sécurité ont tiré sur la foule, tuant Ahmed Ayrout. Ils ont ensuite demandé à sa famille de prétendre que c'était Ghiyath Matar qui l'avait tué. Voir ici.

Désertion d'un soldat syrien réfugié en France (vidéo) : ici.

Manifestation de soutien à la Syrie à Genève le 17 septembre 2011 (vidéo) : ici et ici


Soldiers defecting : here

Donkey crushed by a tank : here


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