Latest News - 27.09.11

Why did the death toll stay at 2700 for weeks ? We all know it has overwhelmed 3000 long ago, and only if we omit all the ones who simply disappeared. It appears to have even overwhelmed 5000... More information here.

Zaynab Al Hosni

Official facebook page : here

The case of Zeinab Al Hosni : here

Video of what remains of her body (...) : here

Video of her brother's body : here

Testimony of her second brother (video subtitled) : here

Attacks against syrian protestors in foreign countries

The 26st August, some people were attacked during a demonstration against the syrian government in Paris. The attackers and the three victims were taken to the police office ; after their deposition, the victims were released. Out of the attackers, six turned out to have to diplomatic passport and were immediately released. They followed the victims and attacked them again with baseball bats ; the two guys pushed the woman into a bar and faced the attack while the owner of the bar called the police. The police advised the victims not to lay charges, because of the diplomatic passports. (see the VSD magazine for more information, you can leave a comment if you want the article but I only have it in french)
The 22nd September, Ammar Al Qurbi, a syrian activist, was attacked in Geneva. Apparently it's not safe anymore to be syrian, even out of Syria. More here (in arabic).


Message from the "Anonymous", famous hackers who support the syrian revolution : here

BBC documentary in Daraa "Inside the secret revolution" : here

More defection in syrian army : here

Children singing for freedom (they're hiding, what does it tell about security ?) : here


TO READ "It is not just an image of people in a street we don't recognize, in a town we've never been to, chanting slogans in a language that perhaps we don't understand." : here

Amnesty International Report - Arrests and death threats silence syrian activists : here

"Our weapon is the camera" : here

No one wants to buy syrian oil anymore : here

Official syrian websites hacked by "Anonymous" (see the video) : here


Vidéos résumant le conflit syrien : ici

Soutien des pirates internet "Anonymous" au soulèvement syrien : ici


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