Last News - 29.07.11

Some days ago, an eight-year-old boy was found in the sewer in Homs, dead. He had been tortured.

News : 

- Amnesty International and the Standby Task Forces are trying to get some picture of what's happening in Syria through a satellite (article in french below)

- The opposition is asking for a no-fly zone

Arrests, kidnappings and rapes

A lot of intellectuals have recently been arrested and killed in Syria : teachers, doctors, engineers, lawers, writers,... Besides, it's now very unsafe for women to walk by themselves in some cities, a lot of them have been kidnapped and then raped or tortured, for example in Homs, Daraa and Douma. See here for the murder of a nuclear engineer.


The pianist Malek Jandali's family has been beaten after he played piano during a demonstration in front of the White House : here

Demonstration in Hama : here

Security forces arresting children : here


Farmers' planes sprayed chemical pesticide on civilians in Al Rastan : here

Western States give way to UN Syrian sanctions : here


Une journaliste a filmé la répression en Syrie, son impression et son film : ici

Vers une démocratie égalitaire - article décrivant le déclenchement et les objectifs du Printemps Arabe : ici

Emission diffusée tout au long de la semaine sur le parcours de la Syrie : ici

De l'origine des Chabbihas : ici

De nombreux intellectuels ont récemment été arrêtés et tués, notamment Rafah Nached, première femme psychanaliste en Syrie, dont l'état de santé est décrit ici.

Images satellitaires de la répression en Syrie : ici

Zone d'exclusion aérienne : ici


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