Latest News - 24.09.11

A protestor wears Syria, Libya, Yemen and Palestinia's colours during a demonstration in Sanaa, Yemen : here (facebook link)


As I wrote before, syrian families don't know anymore what to do : send their children to school, not knowing wether they're safe or not, or keeping them home and maybe having to pay 1'000 dollars. More than that, the authorities can take the name of the students who don't go to school and list them as activists, which means they can be arrested anytime. And the worst is women are not safe anymore, if they're seen walking in the streets alone, the chabbiha or the security forces may kidnap them and rape them, as they do to the activists' sisters. As they've done to Zaynab Al Hosni. See here an article about the students' demonstrations.

French ambassador in Syria

The French ambassador in Syria, Eric Chevallier, has been attacked in the city of Damascus, probably because he went to four schools there to express his concern about the repression of the students' demonstrations. See here

More Sanctions

The EU imposes more sanctions against Syria, mostly concerning the oil sector and Syriatel, but they're only going to be effective in November. Switzerland follows with the same sanctions starting from now : here and here


TO SEE : Christians and Muslims united for Syria : here


Report of the rape of the activists' sisters : here

Life of the refugees in Lebanon, including school for children : here

"Traitor is he who kills his own people" - report of Syria's unrest by Reuters : here


L'ambassadeur français, Eric chevallier, s'est fait agresser dans la ville de Damas, probablement à cause de ses récentes visites dans quatre écoles de Damas, où il aurait exprimé une vive inquiétude face à la répression de manifestation d'élèves : ici (lien facebook)

A LIRE : Article d'Ignace Leverrier considérant la possibilité que le régime syrien provoque un massacre comparable à celui de Pinochet ou même Pol Pot, relatant l'agression des parents du pianiste syrien Malek Al Jandali et dénonçant le viol des femmes de la famille des activistes, souvent les soeurs, ainsi que le prélèvement d'organes sur les cadavres des manifestants : ici


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