
Showing posts from October, 2011

Last News - 30.10.11

We want international protection, beginning by the set up of a no-fly zone and the recognition of the Syrian National Council. See  here  and  here . Videos There will probably be nothing remaing in Baba Amr soon :  here Protesters being arrested and hit :  here Little child shot in the head, bullet still in his head - do not watch if sensitive :  here English Assad takes himself for God, trying to scare the whole world :  here  and  here "[he] said he had started implementing reform within a week of the troubles erupting in mid-March" "We didn't go down the road of stubborn government. Six days after [the protests began], I commenced reform." "Reform" is efficient enough for us not to see it months later !!!! "but the paper said he insisted that "only terrorists" were now being targeted" Really ?! Is Baba Amr full of terrorists ? And Idleb too ? And are cows, donkeys and other animals terrorists ?  HERE Français Assad s...

Last News - 28.10.11

HELP SYRIA AND SIGN THIS PETITION TO STOP SYRIA'S HORROR HOSPITALS (see my last post for more information about it) :  here Videos Syrian revolution - awareness :  here Comment : Baba Amr is in Homs. 26.10.11 - General strike in Hama :  here 27.10.11 - General strike in Homs :  here Child Amjad Hamid Al Asimi shot in the head (hard) :  here English TO READ - Syrian reform, myths and reality :  here Arab league, deploy civilian monitors in Syria :  here General strike in Syria :  here Français Le quotidien des activistes en Syrie (vidéo) :  ici Action des syriens de Suisse demandant le soutien de la communauté internationale et témoignant des horreurs qui se déroulent en Syrie :  ici  et  ici Témoignage d'un activiste syrien exilé en Suisse :  ici La ligue arabe cherche une issue à la crise syrienne :  ici AIDEZ LA SYRIE ET SIGNEZ - PETITION POUR QUE LA SUISSE SOUTIENNE LE CONSEIL NATIONAL SYRIEN (qui re...

Last News - 26.10.11

News :  Apparently some doctors and nurses hit the patients... That doesn't encourage wounded people to go to the hospital and get healed and it's a shame for the whole body of doctors all around the world. (Articles in french and english below) Videos General strike in Hama 26.10.11 - 12th day :  here Dead body of Katreen Khabbour, one-year-old girl :  here Dead body of a cow - if this is what Assad called the "armed gangs"... :  here Burned body of Waleed bin Abelhameed Al Ribahi :  here TO SEE - Fear and torture in Syria's hospitals :  here English Journalist witnesses syrian authorities torturing activists :  here TO READ - Syria "using hospitals for torture" :  here Français  La terreur dans les hôpitaux syriens :  ici  et  ici Dans l'enfer de Homs :  ici L'opposition syrienne est unifiée et pacifiste :  ici

Last News : 24.10.11

HELP SYRIA - "Bashar Al Assad ought to be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court" : sign the petition  here WE DO NOT WANT A MILITARY INTERVENTION IN SYRIA, NEVER !!!!! US senator talks about military options in Syria :  here EU leaders threaten Syria with more sanctions :  here Comment : A military intervention is out of the question but only dreamers can believe the regime will find a way to dialogue with the opposition and make reforms. The only way to help is imposing sanctions, but what kind of sanctions ? First of all, the whole world should have an embargo on syrian oil, it already worked a little ; some people say it weakens the ordinary people too, but does anyone really think the situation can be worth than how it now is ? Second, the syrian ambassadors should all be sent back to show the world doesn't consider the regime as legitimate anymore. Third, the ambassadors of all the countries of the world should leave Syria for the same reason ; the regim...
News : Ghaddafi is dead. Guess whose turn it's soon gonna be, Bashar ?! Videos : Children chanting "Syria belongs to us and not to Assad's family" : here General strike in Daraa in support of syrian besieged cities : here Remember Daraa was the first besieged cities and suffered about 600 deaths ; the electricity, the water and the networks were cut for more than a month and people weren't able to get any food, medicine or medical equipment. This was around April ; since then this happened to Baniyas, Latakya, Homs, Hama and many others. Why ? How come the international community didn't do anything effective till now ? Français : Un colonel responsable de la mort d'une centaine de personne en une journée est récompensé par l'obtention du grade de général. Ça en dit long sur la moralité du président, qui cherche d'ailleurs à cacher un décret selon lequel une prime devrait être offerte aux militaires engagés contre les "gangs armés" ...

Last News - 19.10.11

HELP  - STOP SYRIA'S HORROR HOSPITAL And remember, whatever death toll articles announce, it has overwhelmed 5200 martyrs . Doctors, Hospitals, Clinics, ... A few weeks ago, a Red Croissant ambulance was attacked while rescuing a demonstrator ; one of the volunteers died, two others and the protestor were severly wounded. But this wasn't a single case, the security forces have killed, arrested and kidnapped doctors and people who tried to help and heal demonstrators since the beginning of the uprising. When a protestor gets wounded, he doesn't go to the hospital unless it's really serious because everyone knows the security forces often go and shoot patients, assuming most of them are protestors. Report :  here Videos "Beware, dictatorship can return ; on 23rd October, VOTE" :  here Report from inside Homs :  here The reforms and dialogue the Arab League is calling for :  here Muslim protesters chanting for a christian woman whose son was killed by the...

Last News - 17.10.11

Bahrain  and  Egypt  support Syria. Christians and Muslims  together . News : At least 37 people died on Monday 17th October. More  here . The Arab League's decision The Arab League did not suspend Syria, instead the arab countries asked for a dialogue between the government and the opposition, giving them a two-week ultimatum. Thank you for giving more time to Assad to kill his people, we all hope he's grateful.. Was is so hard to suspend Syria and, by doing so, unlegitimize the current government ?! Was it too hard for the international community to offer us a no-fly zone and some more support, for example by sending back the ambassadors ?! The ones who don't do anything connive with the Assad regime. More  here  and  here . Reactions : "No Dialogue with the child-killer" :  here "Arab league, shame on you, syrian people are being killed" :  here Ghiath Matar Ghiath Matar has been killed some weeks ago, he was one of the most ...

Last News - 15.10.11

Demonstration in Bern, Switzerland :  here Last Friday was "Friday of Free soldiers" News :  The Golf Cooperation Council wants to meet the Arab League as soon as possible :  here Videos Demonstration in Damascus, almost as big as it would be anywhere else :  here Message to Russia and China - death of Ibrahim Shayban, 9 years old :  here Singing for freedom :  here  and  here Protesters chasing a tank :  here English Even the army is subject to oppression :  here The government has "manifestly failed to protect its population" :  here Français OUI il faut protéger le peuple syrien :  here Les sanctions internationales s'étendent maintenant à la banque commerciale syrienne :  here

Last News - 13.10.11

SNC - Syrian National Council The SNC was formed in Istambul at the end of August, most of the opposition activists are part of it and the syrian people supported it by naming their last Friday of demonstration : Friday "SNC represents me". The first country to recognize it as the legitimate representative of syrian people was Libya, followed by Egypt. The other countries simply said they were waiting for it to develop.  Egypt's support :  here More about Burhan Ghalioun, the SNC "de facto leader" :  here Pro-Assad demonstration Wednesday 12th October, some people were forced to go to a pro-Assad "spontaneous" demonstration, some because of their work, some others because of their family. A few months ago, another had taken place where a lot of people went ; this time, Assad was not able to bring together more than 80'000 people, and most of them went away as soon as they could. The guy chanting slogans even said "Assad is gonna fall"...

Last News - 11.10.11

Follow the news on  Twitter  !!!! News :  9th October -   General strike in Qamishli ; at least 9 people were shot in Homs, where some more snipers were placed during the last few days, which led to more shooting. Almost a third of all the martyrs of these last seven months died in Homs. Videos Statue of Assad toppled :  here Some activists have chained themselves to the embassy in Washington :  here About 1000 defectors :  here Protests at the syrian embassy in Berlin :  here English Syrian opposition gains regional backers :  here Syria's oil sector feels the pain :  here EU calls for Assad to step down :  here News from Homs :  here Syria warns against recognition of SNC :  here  and  here Assad blames West for slow progress on political reform :  here  [HAHA.] Français L'assassinat de Mechaal Tammo met à l'épreuve la retenue des Kurdes de Syrie :  ici Pourquoi l'Europe ne peut ...

Last News - 09.10.11

Death of Mechaal Tammo A syrian Kurd leader, Mechaal Temmo, was killed on Friday the 7th October, he was a member of the Syrian National Council. The security forces entered his house, killed him and wounded his son. He was burried the 8th October, which led to big demonstrations all around the country ; during the funeral, the security forces opened fire on demonstrators, at least five persons were killed. The same day, the syrian embassy in London, Vienna, Berlin, Brussels and the syrian mission's building in Switzerland were forced. In Switzerland, the syrian Kurds threw paper through the window, tried to call the syrian authorities and placarded a syrian flag. More  here  and  here . Protests in response to the assassination of Machaal Temmo in  Amouda  ;  Karnaz  and  Taibat El-Eman  in Hama ;  Qamishli  ;  Daraa  ;  Al Qossor  in Homs. Martyr Machaal Tammo :  here Demonstration in front of the syrian...

Last News - 07.10.11

This Friday was the Friday of "SNC represents me" [SNC - Syrian National Council] Videos News of Zeinab Al Hosni : here Be careful, don't forget she appeared on Syrian TV, which is now used as an interrogation place ; she probably was under pressure and forced to say what she said. Either the girl was filmed before her body was given to her family or the security forces gave another body to prove the opposition was lying, one way or another the security forces show no respect for the family. In support of Syria : here Two unknown martyrs burned by syrian forces : here How will the family ever know they're dead ? There's nothing remaining of them... That's how the security forces hide the slaughter, because without the name, their death will never be official for the international community. The official death toll is not even close to reality. Russian flag burning : here "Fire to kill" (Amnesty International) : here English Syrian ...

Last News - 05.10.11

STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH SYRIA :  here Zeinab Al-Hosni Zeinab Al-Hosni was the girl whose body was given back to her family without any head, arms, legs and skin, unrecognizable. Or at least that's what the authorities said to the family, who had to swear they wouldn't film her body and had to bury her discreetly. But she recently appeared on the syrian TV ! The body was someone else's ! There's a family, somewhere in Syria, who will never get to know what happened to their daughter because the syrian authorities decide to discredit the opposition by showing the international community the opposition was lying. But it only shows what horrors they're able to do. Security Council's resolution vetoed The Security Council voted a resolution warning Assad that if in a month he hadn't stopped the slaughter there would be sanctions ; they let Assad a month to finish killing the syrian people. This wasn't a big step, it was better than nothing but still... Y...

Last News - 03.10.11

Message to Assad News :  The 3rd October, grand mufti's son and a history professor were killed in the city of Aleppo. More about it  here  and  here  about things currently happening. Syrian protestors attacked in foreign countries As we have already noted, syrian protestors are not safe, even out of Syria. Last news about this subject :  - The U.S. ambassador Robert Ford has received threats too from Pro-Assad people, as you can see  here .  - In Britain, the embassy's people are harassing syrian protestors and targeting their families, as you can see  here . Why aren't these people who behave like shabbiha sent back to Syria ??! Videos Cairo International Stadium - Egyptians support syrian revolution :  here English TO READ Syrian National Council shows unity - no intervention like in Libya :  here Syria is heading for an economical disaster :  here Français Opposants syrien pourchassés jusqu'à Paris (enfin trouvé...