Last News - 28.05.12

Houla Massacre & UN - Le massacre de Houla & l'ONU Last Friday, the 25th of May, there was a massacre in Houla , near Homs. People were stabbed, shot at and bombed ; according to the UN at least 108 of them died, including 49 children , and about 500 were injured. In the morning, people saw tanks arriving and asked the observers to come, but they didn't . The slaughter took place that very night. Observers came the next day to "confirm" the massacre. Really, what are they here for if they can't even react when people are asking for help ? We don't need a confirmation of the massacre, pictures and videos are clear enough. And while the International Community, the UN and everyone is talking about the massacre, the regime keeps on killing people . On May 26th, it was Hama's turn. What is the world waiting for, for Assad to admit his regime's responsibility ? Because that's not going to happen. The regime is accusing terrorist grou...