Last News - 28.03.12

International positions

Turkey and Norway closed their embassies in Damascus. The United States are against any military intervention and have decided it was not time to intervene in Syria yet, so they declined the propositions Turkey made about buffer zones, humanitarian corridors and arming the FSA. Which led Turkey to pull back. Meanwhile, the Arab League is meeting in Iraq without the opposition, and they refused Iran and Turkey's proposition to join them. The Arab League has already announced they would not ask Assad to leave.

Assad agreed to follow Annan's plan, that mainly aims at a mediation between the two sides. But agreements have already been signed with Assad before, he's said he'd stop the violence, but not until he's stopped terrorism. And Syrian demonstrators are terrorists to him, women, men, children,... He's still bombing Damascus, Hama, Homs, Idleb and Daraa. At the same time, Lavrov and Annan are saying the international community should not take sides in the Syrian conflict, even though Russia already sent men and weapons to Syria.

At present, no one reacts. Why ? Because Israel's security comes first for the West and the US, and themselves have no interest intervening in Syria. And Israel says it's worried about the future, about who will be in power and have access to the "chemical weapons" it thinks is in Syria. Arabs are mostly under dictatorships, so they won't react either. Iran needs Assad, its only ally in the region, so it gives him weapons and tanks. Russia and China are officially against any intervention. And Turkey won't be the only one to react. So who can help ? The people. You, we, Syrians and people from the whole world. You're the ones who can help us.

US tells Turkey to back off Syria : here
"the Obama administration had no interest in pursuing any of these options"

Persuade Assad that "real change is needed" (video) : here

US & Turkey to step up nonlethal aid to Syrian rebels : here
Russia objects to any foreign military assistance to the rebels, but has been unwilling to stop its own arms sales to the Assad government.


Different parts of the opposition have shared their views about the future in Syria ; they've agreed Syria would be a constitutional state based on citizenship for people of any ethnic, religious and political belonging, and where women and men have equal rights.

A human rights commission tried to enter Syria, but the government refused to let them in. One of the commission members left to protest, saying she would have stayed, had they been able to enter the country.

Fadwa Suleiman, a famous alewite activist, left Syria.

Be careful, there's a sniper, walk only on the right sidewalk. (In Homs, you can also find "This road leads straight to Heaven)

Videos & Pictures

Awareness : here


Homs - Journey into Hell : here

Homs - What is going on in Homs : here

TO SEE - Faces of the fallen : here

Pictures : here


Syrian Stories : here

Syrian refugees tortured and abused : here

Local residents used as human shields : here


Soutien des Grenoblois en France : "Bachar t'es foutu, Grenoble est dans la rue !"

Un chercheur français découvre sa fausse interview pro-Assad : ici

Histoires syriennes : ici

Hommage aux femmes (vidéo) : ici


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