Last News - 04.03.12
Baba Amr, Homs
The Free Syrian Army left Baba Amr last Thursday, the 1st March 2012, taking the foreigh journalists with them and everyone who wanted to leave the area, but they left about 4000 people behind. They declared that whatever would happen to these people was the regime's responsibility ; lately we've heard that a lot of these people had been raped, tortured or killed. The Red Cross entered Homs, the regime promised they would enter Baba Amr on Friday 2nd March 2012 but they were not able to do so. The situation is worse than ever. There's no water or electricity anymore, so people tried to save snow as it was falling. Al-Rastan was bombed too these last few days, and a lot of houses fell on their residents.
More here (and in french below)
Homs - Snipers on rooftops : here
Man smuggled into Homs, Syria : here
News : Edith Bouvier, french journalist seriously wounded in Homs, finally got out of Syria and arrived in France last Friday, the 2nd March 2012.
Syrian Revolution Update : here
Paul Conroy about Syria : here
"It's systematic slaughter, it's not a war, the Free Syrian Army provides bread and immediate defense, this is not a war, this is a massacre, we're watching it and, once again, the world sits by and watches... a crime beyond every scale I've ever seen, and it's continuing, someone's got to do something."
Getting supplies in, hurt out of Syria : here
That's it, no one else is going to get out.
GRAPHIC !!!! - Massacre in Al-Rastan : here
Five years in Damascus : here
6 ways the regime has faltered on Syria : here
"We will not stop fighting this regime"
Red Cross blocked from Homs amid rumors of execution style killings : here
China demands end to Syria violence : here
But also said : "We are opposed to anyone interfering in Syria's internal affairs under the pretext of humanitarian issues" !!!!!!!!!
Exhibition of Syrian children drawing freedom (arabic, french and english) : here
Exhibition of Syrian children drawing freedom (arabic, french and english) : here
L'unique moyen d'atteindre Baba Amr était une canalisation : ici
Bachar Al-Assad gagne la bataille de Baba Amr, mais le peuple syrien reste debout : ici
Le testament des combattants de Baba Amr : ici
"Ils tuent et font croire qu'ils nous viennent en aide" : ici
Baba Amr - Homs, activist Khaled Abu-Salah stands in front of flames and black smoke from a bombed oil pipeline
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