Last News - 13.03.12

Massacre in Homs and Idleb

On Sunday 11th March 2012 and on Monday 12th March 2012, people of Homs were slaughtered, at least 57 people were killed, including a lot of children. A lot of women were raped in public squares and some others were kidnapped. The 12th, people of Idlib were slaughtered too.

Homs : 

Homs - Children burnt in front of their mothers : here

Massacre in Homs as Idlib endures assault : here

People from Baba Amr (video) : here

VERY GRAPHIC - Slaughter in Homs (video) : here and here

Pictures of the massacre in Homs : here

Idlib :

Syrian troops commit another massacre in Idlib : here

Exclusive report from inside Syria's Idlib (video) : here

VERY GRAPHIC - Wounded civilians in Idlib (video) : here

Syrian National Council

The Syrian National Council and the Free Syrian Army made an agreement of coordination concerning future decisions and actions. The Syrian National Council is asking for an immediate military intervention, a no-fly zone and military support to the Free Syrian Army.


UN is asking for a commission of inquiry of Syrian refugees' testimonies in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Iraq.


UN envoy leaves Syria empty-handed : here

French surgeon recalls slipping into Syria last month : here


Appel à retirer le "permis de tuer" à Bachar Al-Assad : ici
"Les divisions au sein de la communauté internationale ont donné au gouvernement d'Assad un permis de tuer..." "[...] que ce permis lui soit maintenant retiré"

Massacre de dizaines de femmes et d'enfants à Homs : ici


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