Last News - 28.03.12
International positions Turkey and Norway closed their embassies in Damascus. The United States are against any military intervention and have decided it was not time to intervene in Syria yet, so they declined the propositions Turkey made about buffer zones, humanitarian corridors and arming the FSA. Which led Turkey to pull back. Meanwhile, the Arab League is meeting in Iraq without the opposition, and they refused Iran and Turkey's proposition to join them. The Arab League has already announced they would not ask Assad to leave. Assad agreed to follow Annan's plan, that mainly aims at a mediation between the two sides. But agreements have already been signed with Assad before, he's said he'd stop the violence, but not until he's stopped terrorism. And Syrian demonstrators are terrorists to him, women, men, children,... He's still bombing Damascus, Hama, Homs, Idleb and Daraa. At the same time, Lavrov and Annan are saying the international community should n...