
Showing posts from March, 2012

Last News - 28.03.12

International positions Turkey and Norway closed their embassies in Damascus. The United States are against any military intervention and have decided it was not time to intervene in Syria yet, so they declined the propositions Turkey made about buffer zones, humanitarian corridors and arming the FSA. Which led Turkey to pull back. Meanwhile, the Arab League is meeting in Iraq without the opposition, and they refused Iran and Turkey's proposition to join them. The Arab League has already announced they would not ask Assad to leave. Assad agreed to follow Annan's plan, that mainly aims at a mediation between the two sides. But agreements have already been signed with Assad before, he's said he'd stop the violence, but not until he's stopped terrorism. And Syrian demonstrators are terrorists to him, women, men, children,... He's still bombing Damascus, Hama, Homs, Idleb and Daraa. At the same time, Lavrov and Annan are saying the international community should n...

Last News - 23.03.12

Save a Syrian Orphan today :  here News Homs is still being bombed, mainly in Al-Khaldiye ; Hama is being bombed too. The 21st, Russian anti-terrorists arrived in Syria (from Russian source), Russia denied. The 22nd, the Security Council made a declaration to support Annan's plan (in french below). And while we keep talking, Assad keeps killing. The Free Syrian Army is trying to fight back, but they don't have enough weapons to do so. Ammos said she was concerned the Syrian regime did not let its people have any access to medical aid. Assad's wife, mother, sister and sister-in-law have been added to the European sanction list, just as five others.  Otherwise the Syrian regime accused the FC Barcelona of "terrorism" and of helping the Syrian protesters via the way they move on the field. LOL. (more in french below) Asma Al-Assad and eight other people, including Assad's mother, sister and sister-in-law, have finally been sanctioned too, like about 150 othe...

Last News - 18.03.12

Petition to stop the killing in Syria : here Assads' emails About 3'000 emails were hacked from the Assads, according to the Guardian. Apparently Bashar was laughing about the Europeans from the very start, Asma spends a lot of money even though her husband's assets have been frozen and Bashar is not very faithful. About Assad e-mails (video) :  here How the Assad emails came to light : here How Bashar Al-Assad fooled the world :  here  and  here Protests in Switzerland Demonstration in front of the Syrian Mission in Geneva - 15.03.12 : here Some protesters were attacked : here Demonstration in Zürich - 17.03.12 (subtitled) : here Videos & Pictures Picture of bombing in Damascus : here English TO READ - Alien world to help out Syria since this one refuses to : here "It's unbearable to watch even from the far end of the Triangulum Galaxy, and yet you who dwell upon the same planet continue to tolerate it. How is that possible ?" "I'm n...

"It's freedom or death by any means"

Demonstration in front of the Syrian Mission in Switzerland - 15.03.12 Tens of people demonstrated in front of the Syrian Mission in Switzerland yesterday, Syrians, Syrian Kurds, some Swiss people too, young, old, men, women, children, all together. There was a road between them and the Syrian mission, because policemen did not want us to be approach so that we would not enter. I was the only one on the other side of the road, because I was silently filming and taking pictures. I was wearing a pro-revolution T-Shirt. We had been demonstrating for about half an hour when  an egg landed at the demonstrators' feet, and another one on some man's head . Some of us went to buy eggs too and threw them on the building ; someone spat out at me from the third floor but missed his target. This lasted for about an hour, then some of us decided they'd walk through Geneva chanting revolutionnary slogans. The police car followed them, but a  diplomatic car  from the Syrian mission did ...

Last News - 13.03.12

Massacre in Homs and Idleb On Sunday 11th March 2012 and on Monday 12th March 2012, people of Homs were slaughtered, at least 57 people were killed, including a lot of children. A lot of women were raped in public squares and some others were kidnapped. The 12th, people of Idlib were slaughtered too. Homs :   Homs - Children burnt in front of their mothers :  here Massacre in Homs as Idlib endures assault :  here People from Baba Amr (video) :  here VERY GRAPHIC - Slaughter in Homs (video) :  here  and  here Pictures of the massacre in Homs :  here Idlib : Syrian troops commit another massacre in Idlib :  here Exclusive report from inside Syria's Idlib (video) :  here VERY GRAPHIC - Wounded civilians in Idlib (video) :  here Syrian National Council The Syrian National Council and the Free Syrian Army made an agreement of coordination concerning future decisions and actions. The Syrian National Council is asking for an i...

Last News - 09.03.12

Baba Amr, Al Rastan, Idleb and Damascus After recently destroying Baba Amr, the Syrian army has now turned to Al Rastan for about a week now and is sending more and more tanks to Idleb, that apparently is the next city on the list. Damascus is finally seriously rising up, with a lot of demonstrations taking place the 8th and 9th March 2012. Al Rastan - "Allah, we are the only ones left in Al Rastan, but each of us is worth a hundred, we only bow to God" (video) :  here Free Syrian Army Burhan Ghalioun said the Syrian National Council just received money to support the Free Syrian Army. Valerie Amos & Kofi Annan The UN Under-Secretary-General, Valerie Amos, has been sent to Syria as an official envoy, she was able to enter Baba Amr a few days ago. She said it was a disaster, that a lot of buildings had been destroyed and that she was really worried about the people that used to live there. The bombing and shelling had calmed down when she was there but the situat...

Last News - 04.03.12

Baba Amr, Homs The Free Syrian Army left Baba Amr last Thursday, the 1st March 2012, taking the foreigh journalists with them and everyone who wanted to leave the area, but they left about 4000 people behind. They declared that whatever would happen to these people was the regime's responsibility ; lately we've heard that a lot of these people had been raped, tortured or killed. The Red Cross entered Homs, the regime promised they would enter Baba Amr on Friday 2nd March 2012 but they were not able to do so. The situation is worse than ever. There's no water or electricity anymore, so people tried to save snow as it was falling. Al-Rastan was bombed too these last few days, and a lot of houses fell on their residents. More  here  (and in french below) Homs - People saving snow as it falls to drink it later :  here  and  here Homs - Snipers on rooftops :  here Man smuggled into Homs, Syria :  here News :  Edith Bouvier, french journalist...