
Showing posts from 2012

Last News - 30.08.12

[ View the story "Last News - 30.08.12" on Storify ] Last News - 30.08.12 Daraya, Aleppo, Bashar Al-Assad's interview, military airports attacked,... Storified by yaat · Thu, Aug 30 2012 02:32:16 Aleppo - Alep The historical part of the city was bombarded on August 28th and August 29th. undefinedLaviedesidees La partie historique de la ville a été bombardée le 28 et le 29 août. Daraya List of 585 people who were killed there between August 24th and August 26th It maybe is interesting to know that Daraya is a symbol of pacifism , the city of Ghiath Matar, who invited the demonstrators to go out and demonstrate with roses and to offer water to the regime soldiers. After the massacre, Michelene Azar went there with  Addunya  to report the events ( here is the video with comments in French ). She went to talk with a wounded woman, letting her suffer without any medical aid while she was introducing the subject, and talked with a little girl who just lost her mother....

News of Mid August [09-10]

[ View the story "News of Mid August [09-10]" on Storify ] News of Mid August [09-10] #FreeSyria Storified by yaat · Wed, Aug 29 2012 02:27:43 Give the Peace Nobel Price to the Syrian people Donnez le Prix Nobel de la Paix au peuple syrien Aleppo - Alep The battle of Aleppo had already begun at this time, the main point of it being the Salahedin neighbourdhood, that the regime forces announced they were controling, but that was in fact controlled by the Free Syrian Army. Here's a picture taken on August 8th of one building in Aleppo. La bataille d'Alep avait déjà commencé à ce moment-là, le point principal de celle-ci étant le quartier de Salahedin, que les forces du régime annonçait contrôler, mais qui était en fait contrôlé par l'Armée Syrienne Libre.Voici une photo d'un bâtiment à Alep prise le 8 août. #Aleppo on August 8th 2012 #FreeSyria While everyone focusses on Aleppo, slaughter goes on in Homs... Homs, deux enfant...

Last News - 28.08.12

[ View the story "Last News - 28.08.12" on Storify ] Last News - 28.08.12 So, I've been away quite a long time. I will try to talk about everything that happened little by little. So in the following articles, you'll be able to read the last news plus the news about what happened some time ago, in order to have everything in here. Storified by yaat · Tue, Aug 28 2012 02:04:53 Precisions about the terms frequently used - Précisions sur les termes fréquemment utilisés Please stop using the word "rebel", they're not rebels, they're people fighting for their freedom, their dignity, their country. They're people fighting for their rights. The word "revolutionnary is much more appropriate. And once again, it is NOT a civil war, but an uprising against a regime that is killing its own people. S'il-vous-plaît, arrêtez d'utiliser le mot "rebelle", ce ne sont pas des rebelles, ce sont des gens qui se battent pour leur liberté, leur d...

Last News - 08.08.12

Vous pouvez aider ! Aleppo -  Alep The  shellings continue in Aleppo , as the "rebels" (I don't like using this word) announced they controled  about 60% of the city . The regime forces almost don't dare entering the city and are now  shelling from helicopters . They're using   heavy weaponry . On August 5th, the  citadel , that had been spared till then, was finally  hit by rests of shells . It's one of the oldest and largest castles in the world. Some Aleppines fled, some others didn't, not knowing where to go, as the refugees are not really treated well and as the rest of Syria is shelled too. And a lot of Syrians prefer to die at home than to miserably survive outside Syria. " We didn't have anywhere else to go. All of Syria is being bombed. Where are we supposed to go ? " Fighting for Aleppo Casualties Les  bombardements continuent à Alep , comme les "rebelles" (je n'aime pas utiliser ce mot) ont annoncé qu...

500 days later - 500 jours plus tard

500 days later ... Yesterday, Syria has been rising up for 500 days, and no one has helped. Who would have thought so ?  I used to believe in humanity , now I don't know anymore... Because what's happening in Syria is not a political matter, as medias and politicians seem to believe, it is a  humanitarian matter . People are dying for what we take for granted, in Europe : freedom. Freedom of speech, right to choose, dignity... But it's also a  matter of survival  too, after all these slaughters. And the fact that the fall of the regime would change everything in the region shouldn't matter when people are dying. The fact that selling weapons to Syria makes Russia earn money shouldn't matter when people are dying. So  as humans, we should all be concerned . These are our human brothers, people we could have known, with dreams, families,... I personally am so lucky my close family is still alive, may God protect them. But they lost relatives. A friend of mine lo...

Last News - 26.07.12

UN Resolution - Résolution de l'ONU The UN  Security Council  met on July 19th to talk about a resolution concerning Syria, which was of course  vetoed again by Russia and China . This is the third time they veto a UN resolution concerning Syria. The following day, the Security Council decided to  extend  the length of the observer mission of one more month. What for ? So that people think they're trying to do something ? If it was useful in helping Syrian people, Russia and China wouldn't let it be. Homs Le  Conseil de Sécurité  de l'ONU s'est réuni le 19 juillet pour se mettre d'accord sur une résolution concernant la Syrie, sur laquelle  la Chine et la Russie ont évidemment mis leur  veto . C'est la troisième fois qu'ils le font. Le jour suivant, le Conseil de Sécurité à décidé de prolonger la mission des observateurs d'un mois. Pourquoi ? Pour que les gens pensent qu'ils essaient de faire quelque chose ? Si cette mission ai...

Last News - 17.07.12

Support a kickstarter project to go to Syria and document the events (or watch the very graphic video) :  here How I wished I could join...  News - Nouvelles Nawaf Fares, ambassador of Syria to Iraq On July 11, Nawaf Fares, ambassador of Syria to Iraq, announced his  defection . It's a very important defection, because not only was he an ambassador, but he was a very  close friend of the regime . He was not chosen as an ambassador because of his diplomatic carrer (which he doesn't have) but because he was a close relative of the regime members. According to him, he was supposed to go back to Syria and work for the regime when he defected. Good sign,  Assad is apparently loosing even close supporters . But  why do all these people still work for Assad  ? Here's what a shabbiha said : "We love Assad  because he gave us power  and strengh.  If I want to take something, to kill someone, to rape a woman, I have the power to...

Last News - 11.07.12

Petition - Stop sending arms to the Assad regime :  here Douma Testimony of  rape  after the slaughter on June 29th, videos of bodyparts in the garbage... Ibtissam Sardast  : "Do you want freedom ?"... "Ok." Laughters. "We're gonna show you what real freedom is." We were all tied  on the main Square near our houses. Children were there, crying out of fear. Men had been taken to an unkown place. Terrified, we were shouting, calling for help, begging them. Children shouting, screaming, crying. I was shaking out of dread. What do they want, what are they looking for ?... Thirty persons, no, monsters... muscled, hefty, scary... Their looks too were scary. They look like they're going out of a myth where the blue Genie says to his master : "I'm at your service." But they were not this good Genie... they were saying "We're going to show you what freedom is as we're supposed to." They were heavily ar...