Last News - 03.11.11
About a month after the creation of the SNC, Tunisia finally recognized it ; it only is the second country to do so, after Libya. Next step to show support to the syrian revolution is to recognize the SNC as the official representative of the syrian people.
Arab League
The Arab League called for the end of the slaughter, the release of all prisoners, the opening of the borders to let international medias and arab observers in, and a national dialogue ; the syrian government finally said yes. The next day the death toll doubled in Homs, some prisoners were released but more than 2'000 people were arrested in the area of Damascus. Now the whole city of Homs smells like gunpowder because of the shelling in Baba Amr.
First step - the Arab League demands Syria end violence against citizens : here
Second step - Syria says deal reached with Arab League : here
Third step - Syrians cynical over Arab League proposal to end violence : here
Fourth step - Dozens killed in syrian city of Homs, day after arab deal : here
Summary of the "deal" : here
Homs - Baba Amr
Homs has been the capital of the revolution for a long time ; almost half of the people killed during the uprising died in Homs. Baba Amr was the first area in the city of Homs to be surrounded, and for about ten days it is shelled and bombed to such an extent that now the whole city smells like gunpowder.
Solidarity with Baba Amr : here
While Baba Amr is shelled, people keep on demonstrating day and night : here
A citizen tries to commit suicide rather than allow security forces to take hime : here
Comment : So that's the reform Assad was talking about ? Encourage people to kill themselves instead of shooting them ? Saying they're cowards because they'd rather die than suffer humiliation and torture in jail ?
Security forces attack worshippers in front of the Mosk : here
Idleb - Children call for the excecution of the president : here
Syrian Free Army in Turkey : here
Comment : As they say, more than 10'000 soldiers have defected, which means that out of the 1'000 soldiers that the regime announces killed by protesters probably a lot were simply shot by the security forces like other demonstrators. Beware of what the Assad regime says...
Syrian journalists and bloggers vanished : here
Pianist Malek Jendali honoured with Freedom of Expression Award : here
Fonctionnement du régime syrien : ici
Les Kurdes sur la voie de l'autonomie en Syrie : ici
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