Last News - 30.08.12
[ View the story "Last News - 30.08.12" on Storify ] Last News - 30.08.12 Daraya, Aleppo, Bashar Al-Assad's interview, military airports attacked,... Storified by yaat · Thu, Aug 30 2012 02:32:16 Aleppo - Alep The historical part of the city was bombarded on August 28th and August 29th. undefinedLaviedesidees La partie historique de la ville a été bombardée le 28 et le 29 août. Daraya List of 585 people who were killed there between August 24th and August 26th It maybe is interesting to know that Daraya is a symbol of pacifism , the city of Ghiath Matar, who invited the demonstrators to go out and demonstrate with roses and to offer water to the regime soldiers. After the massacre, Michelene Azar went there with Addunya to report the events ( here is the video with comments in French ). She went to talk with a wounded woman, letting her suffer without any medical aid while she was introducing the subject, and talked with a little girl who just lost her mother....