
Showing posts from June, 2012

Last News - 29.06.12

About a year ago, June 27th 2011,  Ibrahim Qashoosh  wrote his dabke. On July 4th 2011, his vocal cords were ripped out and he was killed.  RIP News - Nouvelles On June 21st, the first  Syrian pilot defected  by flying to Jordan, where he was granted asylum.  Three others followed , one Lieutenant Colonel and two colonels. On June 22nd, a turkish jet flying over the Syrian territory was shot down by the Syrian army without any warning, which was considered an attack by Nato and Turkey. Turkey warned Syria to keep its troups away from the border and that any suspicion of an attack of any kind would lead to an armed response ; military are now being sent to the border. A Russian ship carrying Mi25 helicopters , also called flying tanks, to Syria has been stopped by Britain, but apparently Syria is yet to get more weaponry from Russia. Otherwise Burhan Ghalioun, former president of the Syrian National Council, went to Syria for the first time in more...

Anonyme - Anonymous

Hi everyone ! Sorry, news coming soon, but to keep you waiting here's a short movie some of you may want to see. It's based on the story of a Syrian, adapted of course so that we cannot recognize whose story this is. And probably adapted for the movie too. It's been filmed in Lebanon, so it's meant to be a fiction. It's been done in french at first if you want to see the original version (which I advise you to, because the colors are much better)   here   it is, and   here   is the subtitled version. News to come very soon. Français  : Salut tout le monde ! Désolée, les nouvelles arrivent bientôt, mais en attendant voilà un court-métrage que quelques uns d'entre vous pourraient vouloir voir. Il est basé sur l'histoire d'un Syrien, adaptée bien évidemment, afin que l'on ne puisse reconnaître de qui c'est l'histoire. Et probablement également adaptée pour le film. Il a été tournée au Liban, c'est censé être une fiction. ...

Last News - 17.06.12

Stop Syria's death dealer  here  & Stop the assault on Syria's civilians  here Last News - Dernières nouvelles There was a  UN General Assembly  meeting on June 7th 2012, the Arab League and the opposition both pleading for the  full application of the Annan plan  under the UN Chart Chapter 7, but not aiming for the same thing. The opposition wants any kind of help, but the Security Council and the Arab League are  against any military intervention . And yesterday, on June 16th, the  monitors decided to suspend their mission  but to stay in Syria anyway. Now the question is : what is going to happen ? According to Laurent Fabius, Russia wants at least a  part of the regime to stay in place  in order to defend its own interests, but the opposition will never agree on this after all these slaughters and all its losses. Lavrov denied it and said Russia was ready to let Assad go only if that's what Syrians wa...

Last News - 03.06.12

Save the children of Syria here  and ask Russia to take action here Ambassadors & Houla - Les ambassadeurs & Houla After Houla was bloodily slaughtered about a week ago, the international community reacted by sending back to Syria some representatives of the regime , the diplomats, the ambassadors, the envoys. The opposition has been asking for this for about a year not, and they waited for more than 1'000 children to die for them to react. But better late than never, this is already a good step forward. Apparently about 15 countries did it , including the United States, the Netherlands, Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Bulgaria, Canada, Turkey, New Zeeland and Switzerland (whose ambassador is actually the same than in France, but who said that she was not welcomed anymore). And the honorary Syrian Consul to California resigned, to protest against the Houla massacre. Talking about the Houla massacre, after it happened everyone talked a lot a...