Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer ?

SIGN PLEASE - Arrest Syria's torturers : here

Assad's speach

Assad talked for almost two hours yesterday, the 10th January, still pretending the slaughter was a foreign conspiracy. He admitted the killing, but claimed that there wasn't enough proof to arrest everyone involved in the government (but apparently there's enough proof to arrest, kill and torture tens of thousands of Syrian citizens). He also said that he was trying to put an end to terrorism and that, for this purpose, he would have to consider people as black or white. He added that the white people would have to fight the black people. This means that people will either be considered as terrorists or on his side. By saying this he's aiming the civil war ; the opposition reacted at first by announcing they would submit this file to the Security Council.

And while he was talking, the security forces were killing lots of people in Deir-Azzor.

Extracts of the speach : here

Bashar Al Assad blames "foreign conspiracy" : here & here

Arab League Observers

Arab League renews call to end violence in Syria : here
How long have you been doing this without any result ?! It's more than time to act now, is it so hard to take a decision ? So hard to give the people what's they've been asking for, isolation of the regime, a buffer zone, a no-fly zone, medical aid,... ? You're not doing anything, you're just discussing the case, as we can see here. Cowards.

Observing the Observers : here
"The Arab League's monitoring mission in Syria has been a miserable failure, and no international white knight is waiting in the wings. Syrians are on their own."

Arab League observer says Syrian mission a farce : here
"Some of our team prefered to maintain in good relations with the regime, and denied that there were snipers."

This observer also said that, when they were visiting a prison in Homs, they were shown fake prisoners. How did they know ? The prisoners smelled like perfume... Some of them left the mission.

Here is a testimony :

"January 10, 2012 #Deir Azzour #Syria : “A team of Arab League observers came to our area yesterday, Monday, and we expected good things in its presence, despite knowing that the group has questionable individuals involved. Thousands of young revolutionaries from Deir Azzour took to the streets, emboldened and encouraged by the presence of the observers, to find security forces were waiting for them, and were received with live ammunition being fired on the protesters, killing and injuring many. This occurred with the observers being not even hundreds of meters from this massacre, as they were sitting in tents attending festivities of singing and dancing in support of the regime. So on one side was a party of singing and dancing, and on the other, a massacre. Observers heard the shower of bullets being fired and heard the calling of protesters for help, yet no one answered their pleas. I immediately contacted the team of observers stationed in Deir Azzour and informed them of the massacre happening right under their noses, the human rights violations occurring, and the mass number of detentions happening, and they responded with “Is this all you have to say?” So I told him “My brother, did you come to protect us or come to attend pro Bashar parties of singing and dancing?” to which he did not respond. I proceeded to inform him that the regime had gone to great lengths to put these festivities together for them, including granting government employees a one month leave to commit to events to support the regime. He did not respond to me, and immediately hung up. I tried to call them repeatedly and either the line was being disconnected or I received no 
response. The number designated to their team and to which I was calling is 0994852685. 

It is clear to me now that they are part of a charade that has eased the path for the regime to kill the revolutionary youth in Syria, and they are participating in covering up the crimes of the Assad regime. "


TO SEE - This is my story, I'm a syrian boy in Syria : here

Syrian defectors "buying weapons from the army" : here

Homs - The youngest torture victim, Afaf Mahmud, 4 months old : here

Homs - Bodies retrieved from military hospital (graphic) : here

Damascus - Security Forces hit detainees and put them in a truck : here

Daraa - Severe torture (graphic) : here

Banyas - Demonstrators lying on the ground surrounded by the army : here

Torture, violence, and so on... : here

Message to Syria - We're with you, keep on fighting ! : here


"We've never seen such horrors" - Human Rights Watch report : here

Russia sent two warships in Syria, to prevent any military intervention against Assad from NATO : here

Israel preparing to absorb Syrian refugees of the alewite minority : here
First Assad with his speech and now that... trying to change this uprising into a civil war...

Add to this that Iran tried to send four trucks full of military equipment to the syrian government, trucks that luckily were intercepted...


La vie au ralenti en Syrie : ici

Some people are gathering in Turkey and Jordan to protest, I'll post pictures soon ! (More about it in french here)


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