Last News 14.01.12

Yesterday was Friday of support to the Free Syrian Army.

Freedom Convoy

On Thursday 12th January, a humanitarian convoy named "Freedom Convoy" tried to cross Syrian borders on Turkish and Jordan sides with caravans fulled of medical supplies and food ; they were stopped by Syrian authorities. Hundreds of people are now staging a sit in to protest. Some rumors say that, in case this convoy was able to cross the border, Syrian security forces were waiting near the border. More here (and here in french).

Here are pictures taken by Dr. W.Z. at Turkish border :

at the airport

at refugee camps

Gilles Jacquier, french journalist killed

Gilles Jaquier, a well known international journalist, was killed on Wednesday 11th January during a shelling in Syria. He was among a delegation of international journalists authorized by the regime and documenting the slaughter. Even though the regime is accusing the opposition, it happened in an area that demonstrators can hardly reach, and why would they kill someone who was witnessing the massacre ? More here (and here and here in french)

Do you realise how the world cares for the death of one single journalist, and did not do anything to stop the slaughter in Syria, counting thousands of slain ?


Homs - "We will go to heaven, martyrs in the millions" : here

Aleppo - Beautiful demonstration : here


4-year-old girl kidnapped instead of her father : here

Army shoots protesters trying to reach observers : here


Témoignage d'un ancien fonctionnaire du régime syrien (vidéo) : ici

Témoignage d'un ancien observateur de la ligue arabe : ici

When corpses are given back to their family, this is how it often happens...


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