Last News - 31.01.12

Friday 27th January 2012 was Friday of "The Right of Self-Defense"

WARNING : Since last Friday, at least 100 Syrians die every day, people are being slaughtered everywhere

Arab League

Gulf withdrew its observers after Syria rejected the Arab League transition plan. The Arab League called on UN to back their plan, the UN has drafted a resolution that Russia has already rejected ; they're meeting today the 31st January, but Russia has already annouced it would not support any sanction against Syria.

Syria rejects Arab League transition plan : here

Amid violence, Arab League suspends observer mission in Syria : here

UN Arab-European draft resolution on Syria to stress need to solve crisis peacefully : here

Russia sells Syria 36 military jets : here

Why does Russia back Syria : here

"Russia must stop arming Syria Dictator Assad" (video) : here


Deadly cat-and-mouse game in Syria : here

Eyewitness in Homs : here

Homs - Corpses of children killed : here and here

Homs - Free Syrian Army destroys Assad tank : here

Daraa - "Here we come God" : here
Death is so present now that some young people only see their future as martyrs...

Child leading a demonstration : here


Lebanese fishermen tortured by Assad forces : here

Red Croissant official killed in Syria : here

Head of Arab League observers in Syria rejects criticism : here
"We will continue to do all we can to help the Syrian people achieve their legitimate political rights." said Susan Rice. Is that all you can do, really ?!...... (don't forget that Al-Dabi, Head of the observers, supports the one responsible for the slaughter in Darfur, currently wanted by the International Criminal Court)


Les Syriennes montent au front : ici

Une famille entière tuée à Nasihine : ici

Un détenu raconte son histoire : ici

Une enfant témoigne de la destruction de sa maison (vidéo) : ici


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