
Showing posts from January, 2012

Last News - 31.01.12

Friday 27th January 2012 was Friday of "The Right of Self-Defense" WARNING : Since last Friday, at least 100 Syrians die every day, people are being slaughtered everywhere Arab League Gulf withdrew its observers after Syria rejected the Arab League transition plan. The Arab League called on UN to back their plan, the UN has drafted a resolution that Russia has already rejected ; they're meeting today the 31st January, but Russia has already annouced it would not support any sanction against Syria. Syria rejects Arab League transition plan :  here Amid violence, Arab League suspends observer mission in Syria :  here UN Arab-European draft resolution on Syria to stress need to solve crisis peacefully :  here Russia sells Syria 36 military jets :  here Why does Russia back Syria :  here "Russia must stop arming Syria Dictator Assad" (video) :  here Videos Deadly cat-and-mouse game in Syria :  here Eyewitness in Homs :  here Homs - Corp...

Last News - 23.01.12

Arab League The Arab League met on Sunday 22nd January and decided to continue the observer mission in Syria for one more month, except for Saoudi Arabia, that found that Assad had not respected his part of the deal. The Arab League asked Assad to delegate power to his vice-president so that he can create a united government with the opposition and then organise elections. Syria rejected this initiative. The Syrian file is to be transfered to the UN Security Council. Meanwhile, people are freezing under snow in Syria and in the refugee camps at the borders.  The Arab League to Syria's president - it's time for you to go :  here Syria rejects Arab League transition plan :  here Refugee camp under snow in Turky (video) :  here They don't have electricity, warm clothes or anything... some children had to go to hospital... Pictures at the bottom Idleb - more corpses discovered in hidden refrigerators in a hospital Video  here  and  here  (grap...

Last News - 21.01.12

Officially, there are more than 6'500 martyrs. But, according to the Syrian Revolution, more than 65'000 persons have disappeared since March 2011.............. It is a genocide. Arab League mission The Arab League observer mission came to an end the 19th January. The Syrian National Council now wants to ask the Arab League to transfer the Syrian file to the UN. More  here . Zabadani - a rebel town Zabadani is now the first free town in Syria, thanks to the Free Syrian Army. Syrian town to become hub of armed resistance :  here Zabadani - the town president Assad does not control (video) :  here Zabadani - Free Syrian Army (video) :  here Videos Shabbeha caught :  here Damascus - Women & Children demonstration :  here Syrian people is one :  here Corpse (VERY VERY GRAPHIC) :  here Torture in Syria :  here English Ex-pat Syrians camp on Turk border - Freedom Convoy barred :  here 6'081 men, 294 women, and 431 children ...

Last News - 17.01.12 : children.......

Videos MUST SEE - Anonymous filmmaker spotlights defiance in Homs :  here Stop killing children of Syria :  here Syrians turn to Lebanon for medical treatment :  here Deaths, detentions mount in Syria : here Idlib - dancing for freedom :  here English UN Chief - Syria President must stop violence :  here You talk, that's all you're doing. Start acting and send Syrian ambassadors back to Syria ! Syrian soldier decapited seven-month-old boy in front of his mother :  here Assad gives amnesty for uprising crimes :  here But they found a way to keep the prisoners they wanted to keep by adding new charges against them or making people lay some other charges against them... Remembering child victims of Syria's military crackdown :  here

Last News 14.01.12

Yesterday was Friday of support to the Free Syrian Army. Freedom Convoy On Thursday 12th January, a humanitarian convoy named "Freedom Convoy" tried to cross Syrian borders on Turkish and Jordan sides with caravans fulled of medical supplies and food ; they were stopped by Syrian authorities. Hundreds of people are now staging a sit in to protest. Some rumors say that, in case this convoy was able to cross the border, Syrian security forces were waiting near the border. More  here  (and  here  in french). Here are pictures taken by Dr. W.Z. at Turkish border : at the airport at refugee camps Gilles Jacquier, french journalist killed Gilles Jaquier, a well known international journalist, was killed on Wednesday 11th January during a shelling in Syria. He was among a delegation of international journalists authorized by the regime and documenting the slaughter. Even though the regime is accusing the opposition, it happened in an area that demonstrators ca...

Syrian victims are screaming for your help. Will you answer ?

SIGN PLEASE - Arrest Syria's torturers :  here Assad's speach Assad talked for almost two hours yesterday, the 10th January, still pretending the slaughter was a foreign conspiracy. He admitted the killing, but claimed that there wasn't enough proof to arrest everyone involved in the government (but apparently there's enough proof to arrest, kill and torture tens of thousands of Syrian citizens). He also said that he was trying to put an end to terrorism and that, for this purpose, he would have to consider people as black or white. He added that the white people would have to fight the black people. This means that people will either be considered as terrorists or on his side. By saying this he's aiming the civil war ; the opposition reacted at first by announcing they would submit this file to the Security Council. And while he was talking, the security forces were killing lots of people in Deir-Azzor. Extracts of the speach :  here Bashar Al Assad blames ...

Last News - 06.01.12

"We have reached a phase of genocide, and this can't be tolerated under any circumstances." said Mahmoud Al-Haj Hamad, who used to be a financial inspector in the Ministry of Defense in Damascus. Explosion in Damascus the 6th January 2012 "Another explosion in the middle of an area which is heavily protected by security. The government is playing the same dirty game again. Weeks ago there was an explosion only in the upper floors of a security building. It claimed a suicide bomber did it, and was able to ''identify'' the person within ''15 minutes'', a period which is too short to make a urine analysis. TV cameras were of course present there by pure, spontaneous, coincidence to film the whole thing. It apparently gathered prisoners it wanted to execute, with the bodies of prisoners already executed, and bombed them there to claim it is ''armed gang'' who did it. We asked for DNA tests to identify the b...