500 days later - 500 jours plus tard

500 days later ... Yesterday, Syria has been rising up for 500 days, and no one has helped. Who would have thought so ? I used to believe in humanity , now I don't know anymore... Because what's happening in Syria is not a political matter, as medias and politicians seem to believe, it is a humanitarian matter . People are dying for what we take for granted, in Europe : freedom. Freedom of speech, right to choose, dignity... But it's also a matter of survival too, after all these slaughters. And the fact that the fall of the regime would change everything in the region shouldn't matter when people are dying. The fact that selling weapons to Syria makes Russia earn money shouldn't matter when people are dying. So as humans, we should all be concerned . These are our human brothers, people we could have known, with dreams, families,... I personally am so lucky my close family is still alive, may God protect them. But they lost relatives. A friend of mine lo...