Last News - 15.02.12

*Supporting Iranian & Bahreini uprisings*


5-month-old hit by a shell fragment : here

Homs - Rockets fall on civilian houses in Baba Amr : here and here

Homs - Russian tanks used against the people : here

Syria using internationally banned nail bombs against protesters : here


TO READ - A paid killer in Syria describes his work : here
The regime would not need paid killer if it was a civil war, so I repeat it again : this is not a civil war. This is people fighting for their rights, freedom and dignity against a dictatorial regime that possesses all the money and all the power and only shares it with some relatives. Before the uprising people could not express themselves against the regime, and now that they do they're being killed, tortured, kidnapped,... Is this the kind of life any of you would like to have ? So help us now, it's more than time.

Report from Homs, past the point of no return : here
"There is no place here in the city that is a safe house or shelter or basement. You have to be lucky to stay safe."

Fadwa Sulayman, and how the regime managed to make the international community believe in a civil war : here

Syrian troops are raping and torturing, UN watchdog claims : here
"The nature and scale of abuses committed by the military forces suggest that crimes against humanity are likely to have been committed." Likely ?! Where have you been last year ? Crimes against humanity have been committed for a while now, and it hasn't stopped !


Interview de Mani, un photographe français s'étant rendu à Homs : ici
Ses photos : ici

Interview de Jonathan Littell, l'écrivain qui l'accompagnait : ici

Free Syrian Army training in Idleb

Homs, Baba Amr - smoky haze due to heavy shelling


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